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Getting a List of Actions

  1. Go to the Action List page of the site .

  2. To get a list of your own actions: Click on Personal List in the side menu .
    To get a list of actions on risks/issues for which you are the manager:  Click on Responsibility in the side menu .
    To get a list of actions on risks/issues for a specific organisation unit:  Click on the name of the organisation unit in the side menu.  If the organisation unit you require is not visible you will need to hover over it's parent until a lower level menu appears.  See side menu.  You may also select an organisation unit using the breadcrumb navigation at the top of an existing organisation unit action list.

  3. There will then be a short delay while the system retrieves the requested list of actions which will appear in the main window.

  4. The filter at the bottom of the screen can be used to control which actions are displayed, and the order in which they appear in the list.  By default, only outstanding and overdue actions are returned in order of their created date.  By changing the filter, they can be ordered by creation date or by resolve by date.

  5. If you make any changes to the selection criteria you must click the Apply button  to set the effect of the filtering. This allows for multiple changes to be made to the view before the data is retrieved from the server.


  • By default the action list page shows a list of actions which have been assigned to you.

  • The risk details can be accessed by clicking on the risk title which appears underlined in the last column of the risk list.

  • The menu of organisation units will be restricted to show only those nodes over which you have at least viewer access.

  • Each time you log on the selection criteria will be set to their initial values but will remember their new settings each time you change them.

  • The search facility acts on only those records identified by the current view settings. In order to search the entire database all records must be selected in the view including closed etc. where appropriate.

  • Only those records to which you have the necessary view security privileges will be searched or displayed.

  • Clicking the print link in the toolbar will display a quick action list report based on the current organisation unit view and the filter applied to that view within the action list window. It is a shortcut method of creating a report which can be viewed on the screen and/or printed out to a printer.

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