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Risk Register

The risk register option allows you to generate a report in a number of output formats which contains the detailed record data for the risks and issues contained within the system.  Depending on the selections made during the report criteria specification phase, reports may be produced which can be further manipulated in standard Microsoft Office tools such as Excel.

  1. Go to the Reporting section of the site .  The default report page shown is for the risk register.

  2. Select the required Report Type.

    • Personal.  This report type is used to generate a list of risks or issues for which the logged on user is the owner or author. This defines the risks within the organisation for which you are responsible although mitigation actions may be the responsibility of someone else.  This report is useful to check that risks for which you are responsible are being adequately maintained and mitigated.

    • Responsibility.  The responsibility report is commonly used by organisation unit managers. It lists the risks and issues within the corporate hierarchy for which a manager is responsible. The functionality of this report requires that the organisation units within the business hierarchy have the appropriate managers identified within the system maintenance screens.

    • Organisation unit.  The organisation unit report is used to generate a detailed risk report on the selected organisation unit using the sort criteria, risk type and status types as selected further down within the report criteria definition.  This is commonly used within risk control business processes to ensure that risks are correctly being tracked and mitigated, and to check on action activity across a project or group of people. It is not concerned with individuals, and is hence focused on the risks and issues raised against the requested organisation unit.

  3. Chose the Order By.  This defaults to Number.

  4. Set the Order Direction as either Ascending or Descending.  The default for Rating is Descending; all other sort orders default to Ascending.

  5. Choose the Output Format as either Standard (HTML) or Excel.  See Output Format Requirements.

  6. Select the required Escalation Level.  This will default to Green.

  7. From Show Status tick the risk states you wish to include.  This defaults to showing all except Closed risks.

  8. The free text Search box may be populated using the keywords pop-up which is accessed by clicking the small button at the end of the field .  This list of keywords shown will be those applicable to the organisation unit selected.

  9. The criteria includes a tick box under the heading Sub Orgs called Include.  This determines whether the list of risks/issues includes those from lower organisation units or just those explicit assigned to the current organisation unit.  This is not applicable to the Personal or Responsibility lists.

  10. Select any other filtering required from the Org Unit Code, Risk Rating Range, Driving Factor, Grouping, Delivery Partner and Phase boxes.  Some of these items may not be shown if the underlying data has not been populated.

  11. Choose whether you want risks, issues or both from Show Types.

  12. Click the Submit button .  After a short delay the report will open in a new browser window as either an HTML document or an Excel spreadsheet, depending on what you requested.

  13. If you chose an HTML document you may now select the columns you require by clicking the Show/Hide Columns button  and ticking those items which you wish to see.  To print the report you will need to use the page setup, print preview and print functions of your browser.

  14. If you chose an Excel spreadsheet you may now use the functionality of Excel to reformat and print the report as required.

  15. When you have finished with the report click the close button  at the top right corner of the report window.


  • The report will only contain data relevant to the permissions level of the user running that report. To be certain of trapping all risk and issue data within the criteria of a report or graph, it is important that the appropriate security profile is used.

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